
Your personality deficiencies

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Every one of us has spectacular giftedness and talent in certain areas of our life. Conversely, we also have corresponding or alternate weaknesses in our lives, and in light of this, it is often said in the worlds of leadership or business that people should “staff their weaknesses.” They should gather people around them who have complimentary strengths that can be deployed in the areas where their leadership is not as strong.

This is a brilliant concept when it is doable; however, not everyone has the ability to practice it. Sometimes we don’t have a staff that we can assign to reinforce our vulnerabilities. Sometimes we don’t have the people around us who can make up for where we are weak. In those instances what we need to do is live in principle where personality falls short.

In my life and calling there are needed skill sets where I am not naturally talented. There are helpful personality traits that I do not fully possess. However, even though I am not naturally skilled in those areas, I do know the principles that are important for me to practice there. I might not be naturally gifted in relating a certain way, but I can still make the principles of love, kindness, and honesty central to how I relate. I may never score higher than a four or a five in an area, but I can intentionally live the principle that is important for that area. Then, even if it never becomes an area of great strength or expertise, or something that people love about me, at least it is not a liability. It can still be safe, healthy, and clean.

Whatever our strengths are, we should try to maximize them and spend the majority of our time operating there. And whatever our weaknesses are, we should reinforce them with the principles that are most important there. We can always work a principle even if our personality is a little bit dysfunctional. Plus, the people around us will appreciate our intentionality and integrity. They may never think we are the best in a given area but they will appreciate the principles that we value and prioritize there. Hopefully, this perspective can alleviate some pressure and help us more freely excel in life, leadership, and ministry. 

We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way…” (2 Corinthians 6:3-4)

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