Have you ever been hurt in the church?PerspectiveProtectionRecovery

Why God’s judgment is a “good” thing

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Have you ever been hurt in the church?PerspectiveProtectionRecovery

Why God’s judgment is a “good” thing

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Is the Christian God a God of judgment or a God of love?

Sometimes people struggle with the judging aspect of God’s nature, and they can’t seem to reconcile His judgment with His love. They reason that a God of love would not judge, but rather would exclusively show love.

I think the point is widely missed in this sentiment, however, and I would argue that God’s judgment is proof of His love. When we think of the vicious atrocities that are imposed upon innocent people every day in our world, our hearts cry out for judgment. When we consider assault, child abuse, genocide, kidnapping, human kidnapping, and all of the other horrors in our world, it’s easy to see that the only loving response to such evil is judgment.

How could we trust the love of a God who failed to ultimately punish such injustices?

I love the ancient words from the prophet Amos who was angered by a lawless culture. He said on God’s behalf, “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amos 5:24).

I’m grateful that He is a God of judgment. And I’m grateful that in His judging He shows that He is also a God of love. 

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