DestinyEncouragementPerspectiveSpiritual warfareUncategorized

Thankful for the fight!

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DestinyEncouragementPerspectiveSpiritual warfareUncategorized

Thankful for the fight!

1 Mins read

Image via Wikipedia

Do you do the whole “let’s go around the room and share what we’re thankful for” thing on Thanksgiving Day?

If you’re like me you probably express thanks for all of the priorities in your life: God’s grace, your loved ones, and the health, wealth, and freedom we get to experience in America. However, if we were able to transport the Apostle Paul in to our Thanksgiving Day gatherings, I think he would add something unique to the conversation. I think he would stand and say, “I’m thankful for the fight.”

In his famous words in 2 Timothy 4:7 he said that the fight of faith was a good fight.

I think there are three things that make a fight good:

  1. A fight is a good fight when we’re fighting for something good.
  2. A fight is a good fight when we fight well in the fight.
  3. A fight is a good fight when we win the fight.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are destined for all three:

  1. We are fighting for the greatest good in the universe—the expansion of God’s Kingdom in the hearts of every man, woman, and child on our planet.
  2. We have the revelation of Scripture and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to help us fight well in our part of the battle.
  3. And we are promised victory. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I don’t always love the fight, but I’m grateful for it—and I can concur with the Apostle Paul that it is good. Can’t you?

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