
Do you see what you have or what you don’t have?

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Do you see what you have or what you don’t have?

1 Mins read

That's the name for this thing that you look t...

Where are you looking?

It’s an important question because where we look determines what we see, and what we see determines how we feel about our lives.

If we consistently look at what we don’t have our lives will be filled with discontentment, frustration, or regret. Conversely, if we intentionally look at all of the things we do have our lives will radiate gratitude, contentment, and peace.

I’m not suggesting that we stop reaching for greater influence or accomplishment or that we set aside our lofty aspirations and goals, I’m simply highlighting the power of our gaze.

Jesus said, “If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness” (Mathew 6:22-23).

This truth was graphically illustrated when Peter famously walked on water to get to Jesus. When Peter gazed at Jesus the stormy Sea of Galilee became as rigid as a sidewalk, but when he shifted his gaze to the storm his world turned watery and weak.

Where we look determines what we see and what we see determines the state of our lives.

If we fixate on our lack we will conclude that we’re failing or falling short of success, but if we consciously look for God’s blessing in our lives we will see blessing, hope, and the promise of a potential-filled future–even if we’re living through a storm.

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