
Two Years Too Long!

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Two Years Too Long!

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pastor saeedToday, September 26th, marks the two-year anniversary of American Pastor Saeed Abedini’s illegal imprisonment and detainment in Iran.

Two years ago, he was apprehended for planting Christian house churches and propagating the Christian faith. He hadn’t participated in any other criminal activities, and yet for  two years now he has been separated from his wife, and separated from his children.

He has been physically mistreated, severely neglected, and has received numerous threats and intimidations.

His wife, Naghmeh, will be in front of the White House today attending one of the 500 prayer vigils scheduled in dozens of nations, dedicated to his immediate release.

The book of Acts contains multiple stories of supernaturally inspired jail breaks, where God’s mistreated servants were miraculously set free. Let’s pray that the Abedinis’ two years of suffering would end in similar fashion. In Acts 12:5 it says, “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.” By the end of the chapter, angels had shown up, prison doors had burst open, and Peter was safely restored to his friends and family.

Let’s forward this or similar reminders to our friends and loved ones so that we on the West Coast can do our part in earnestly praying for Saeed’s swift release.

Let’s act on the words from 1 Peter 5:9b: “Resist him (Satan), standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.”

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