Daily Devotional

Run Your Own Race

1 Mins read

Let us run with endurance the race set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

As Christians, each of us is running toward a prize. The Apostle Paul called it the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). And the beauty of our spiritual race is that while we each have the same end goal, the course for getting us there is uniquely designed for our specific destiny. I can’t run your race and end up at my destiny; I have to run the race that’s been set out for me. And you have to run the race that is specifically designed for you.

I like that. I don’t want to run your race. And you don’t have to run mine! No doubt, we will learn similar lessons and have similar experiences as we run, but we each have a specified course that is all our own.

Let’s cheer each other on and admire one another as we run our respective races, but let’s never forget that it is in our lane on our course that our destiny is fulfilled.

Let’s run well. Let’s win and receive the prize.

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