What is the unforgivable sin?
2 Mins read
What is the “unforgivable sin” that Jesus talked about…and am I at risk of committing it? What is “blasphemy against the Holy…
Athletes and Artists
1 Mins read
You are supposed to be both. For the masterpiece of your life to truly unveil, it will require the disciplined striving of…
Before and after selfies (help for young media socialites)
2 Mins read
One…two…three…smile for a selfie. Aren’t selfies—photographic self-portraits—a curious phenomenon? Much has been written recently about the psychology of the selfie, and what…
In praise of the jack-of-all-trades
1 Mins read
Are you a specialist or a jack-of-all-trades? Are you gifted in one or two highly focused skill sets or can you do…
Amber is driving...and other emotional things!
1 Mins read
“Ready or not…here I come!” I used to shout those words after counting to 100 (or close enough) and then charging out…