Daily Devotional

Fix in Times of Peace What Might Break in Times of War

1 Mins read

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

That is decent advice for some areas of our lives; however, when it comes to our key relationships, there needs to be a caveat: if it could break, fix it before it does. Even more specifically, fix during times of peace what might break during times of war.

Right now, everything might be really great with your family or your key relationships. You might all be getting along. You might not be pressing up against anything too traumatic, your tension points might seem manageable, and you might not be having delicate conversations about awkward, emotional issues. If so, that is wonderful.

However, that does not mean that there aren’t some cracks and issues beneath the surface that could split wide open in the right (or wrong) situation. Hopefully, we are all aware of what some of those relational cracks might be, and we are intentionally attempting to reinforce and heal them.

Times of war are usually not the best time to try to mend relational challenges. It is much better to intentionally pursue relational health when things are peaceful and good.

Unfortunately, many people fail to operate this way. We urgently try to fix our problems when crises or the pressures of life force them to the surface, but as soon as things settle down again, we lose our sense of urgency. Consequently, our unresolved issues lurk just below the surface, waiting to rear up and wreak havoc during times of pressure, fighting, or stress.

Jesus said, “Suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Won’t he first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand?” (Luke 14:31)

Let’s be wise kings that use our more peaceful seasons to reinforce what could break in times of war.

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