Daily Devotional

New Songs and Supernatural Goals

1 Mins read

There are two kinds of new songs: re-treads and originals. Which one is your soul singing?

Psalm 149:1 exhorts us, “Sing to the Lord a new song” but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean learning the latest Hillsong or Bethel tunes, or finding a contemporary way to sing the old hymns, or is it something more?

It is okay to sing re-treads. It is good and helpful to re-package classic hymns for a new generation, and it can always be helpful to revisit the songs that sustained our soul in the past; however, those songs are not original. They aren’t truly new.

A new song is a song that flows out of a new encounter with God or the fulfillment of a supernatural goal.

Today, amid all that our world is facing, let’s set some supernatural goals. Let’s ask God to do some new things in our lives that are beyond our natural ability to accomplish. Of course, we will do our best to improve our lives and our world by the innate strength and ability of our humanness, but let’s also ask for something beyond ourselves. Let’s ask for new God-encounters that inspire new songs that lead to new expressions of worship, adoration, and praise.

Amid our human mix of pain, loss, delight, and inspiration, God remains faithful. His faithfulness was with us yesterday, it will follow us into today, and it will be waiting for us tomorrow morning and beyond. That faithfulness will eventually inspire a song.

I wish I knew what new heights you will reach and what new songs you will sing at the end of 2020. Those songs have probably not been written yet. But they will be. Whether your goals and dreams occur exactly as you hope or not, there will be things worth celebrating and singing about in the days to come.

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