Here is a simple emotional health survey compiled by Judith Belmont, M.S., L.P.C. If, after completing the survey, you’re discouraged by your emotional fitness results, fear not! My interview with Carol Montgomery, MA, MFT this Sunday will help us increase our levels of emotional health and balance. If you’re not in the area this Sunday, you’ll be able to access the message and interview through our podcast a little later in the week.
How is your Emotional Fitness?
Below are 8 items that you may agree or disagree with. On a scale of 1 to 7, rate your level of agreement with each item, being honest and open with yourself.
7- Strongly agree
6- Agree
5- Slightly Agree
4- Neither Agree or Disagree
3- Slightly Disagree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree
___ I feel satisfied with who I am and where I am in my life.
___ I refuse to allow regrets and disappointments could “today”
___ I feel a strong sense of connection with others and do not feel isolated
___ I tend to think rationally and optimistically
___ I do not hold onto grudges and can forgive others for not living up to my expectations
___I feel a great sense of control over my emotions, thoughts and feelings
___ I have a healthy sense of humor and can laugh at life’s imperfections
___ I feel more gratitude on how my life is now rather than focus on what’s lacking
Your Total Score here: ______
Mental Fitness Range:
56-51 Emotional Fitness Extraordinary!
50-46 High Level of Emotional Fitness
46-40 Moderate Level of Emotional Fitness
39-32 Emotional Fitness Needs some Boosting!
31-24 Emotional Fitness is posing problems for optimal health- needs work!
23-16 Needs Improvement! Actively work on improving your Emotional Fitness
Below 15 Danger Zone!