“All right, Mr. Wayne, let’s go down your check list…grapple gun?”
“Communication device?”
“Bat-mobile and Kevlar bat suit?”
“Vision to save Gotham City?”
“And how about a friend to prop you up when the weight of the world gets too much?”
“Thanks to you, Alfred, that too is a check.”
So what about YOU? As you begin a New Year do you have the necessary items for your optimum spiritual growth and development?
- Do you have a small group of Sherpas (friends and colleagues who will climb life’s mountains with you)?
- Do you have your spot picked out where you will wait on God daily?
- Do you have your Bible, journal, and devotional book? (Note: My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers is one of the best devotionals I’ve found)
- Do you have a vision for how you will personally grow while blessing the world around you?
- Have you donned your spiritual armor and are you actively covering your loved ones in prayer?
- Have you tied up any lingering loose ends from 2012?
- Are you ready to mark 2013 as a year of victory and new beginnings?
If so then I think you’re set. Say hello to the Caped Crusader for me (sorry had to say it).