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Training wheels

We were having the perfect day, you know the ones where you want to freeze time and enjoy the moment forever. Madelyn and I were on our way to the park pursuing our ongoing quest to get her off of her training wheels, and she was stealing more of my heart with every passing second—that is until she asked the question: “You’re not going to let me fall are you, Dad?” I tried explaining to her that not even an earthquake could get me to loosen my grip on her handlebars, but it only worked for a few minutes before she asked it again: “You’re not going to let me fall are you?” My emotions yo-yoed from mild annoyance to grief that she really thought I might let her fall, to conviction as I realized that I do the same thing to God. “You’re not going to let me fall are you, Father?” I wonder how often He looks down on us from heaven grieved that we need to keep asking. He might reply: “I gave my Son to rescue you—I’m not about to waste His sacrifice and effort. I love you and if you will just trust me and obey me, you will see that eventually, all things will have worked together for your good.” (Romans 8:28)

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