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There are solutions

The_Hole_In_Our_GospelUp to this point, The Hole in our Gospel has been terribly overwhelming. We’ve been moved by statistics, we’ve agonized over the images of suffering humanity, and we’ve sometimes felt buried by the crushing world-wide need. Consequently, Richard Stearns wisely began chapter twelve with some hope-filled statements. He reminded us that:

  1. Every one of these hurting people is created in God’s image and loved by Him
  2. Every one of these challenges has a solution
  3. Every one of us can make a difference

Additionally, Stearns quoted World Vision’s founder, Bob Pierce as saying, “Don’t fail to do something just because you can’t do everything.”

There IS hope…there ARE solutions…and you and I are becomingly increasingly resolved to do our part.

On August 25th I will be bringing in Bob Pierce’s daughter, Marilee Pierce Duncan, to speak in our Sunday morning services at Grace. Marilee is a dynamic communicator and she will both inspire and educate us regarding what we can do together to make a difference in the world. Additionally, on that Sunday we will kickoff our well-digging initiative (details to follow soon).

In the mean time let’s keep praying for our sponsored children and the hurting people in our own community, and let’s keep giving as the Lord moves us to do so.

Jessica and I love you, and we’re grateful to be laboring with you!

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