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Summer Reading Program Week Seven

The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro: Week Seven: Chapter 7: “SOAP”

Hi everyone!

I’m back in the office today after being with Pastor Barry, Robyn Harvey, some of our student ministry leaders, and our high school students for part of their summer camp in Lake Havasu City. We had an outstanding time mixed with fun, laughter, the Lord’s presence, and some quality ministry moments. I’m very proud of all of them–and you parents are doing a great job!

Our college students will be having their retreat at the same place this week so let’s be praying for them and for Pastor Ed Barron who will be the speaker for their weekend together–I’m sure it will be amazing!

In this week’s chapter in our summer reading program, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro presents one of the simplest, yet most effective ways to engage in personal Bible study. He suggests that we implement the S.O.A.P. acronym (or acrostic—I can never remember which it is).

S = Scripture

O = Observation

A = Application

P = Prayer

With this model we would read the prescribed texts from the Bible reading schedule, then simply hone in on the passage that most stands out to us, running it through the S.O.A.P. matrix.

Once the Scripture stirs our heart we ask, “What do I observe as I read, re-read, evaluate, consider, and pray about this verse? What might its application be in my personal life this week? And then how can I boil it down to a one or two sentence prayer?” When we work this process the Word becomes more personal, and it becomes spiritual “bread” that can life and satisfy our souls.

This simple tool can revolutionize our Bible reading times, and it’s easy enough to pass on to our children as well. Maddie and I will sometimes journal together using this S.O.A.P. method, and frequently we’ll come up with insights that could be preached on a Sunday morning. 🙂

Know you are loved!

Chris Jackson

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