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Let’s dig a well!

Let’s fund the digging of a well!

This week’s chapter in The Hole in Our Gospel identified malnutrition, lack of clean water, and disease as the leading dynamics that proliferate the devastating plight of poverty in our world.

If you’re still reading this book and you’re like me, you’re ready to do something about what we’ve been reading. It’s great to have our hearts stirred, but eventually the stirring must be acted upon.

When we started reading this book together, I knew that different people would approach me with ideas of what our congregation could do to help. Last week, Mike Huff shared with me his personal goal to fund the digging of a viable well in a water-impoverished region of the world. I asked him if Grace could adopt his goal and make it a reality in the next few months.

According to World Vision, the creation of a well costs around $15,000.00, an easy amount of money for a church like ours to raise. In the next few weeks, I’ll be presenting a financial strategy for how we can generate this revenue and begin the process of providing water where it’s needed most.

As Mr. Stearns said in this chapter, “If you take away water and sanitation, you take away my health and that of my children. If you take away my health, you have taken away my energy and my industry. If you take away my energy and ability to support my family, you have taken away my dignity; and if you take away my dignity, you have taken away my hope. In Africa they don’t say that water is important to their lives; they say that water is life…and the best news is that we have the knowledge and the technology to provide it.”[1]

Let’s be that source of provision!

The Hole in our Gospel Reading Program—Week Fourteen. Chapter Twelve: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse

[1] Richard Stearns, The Hole in our Gospel (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN: 2009), 139-140.

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