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From now on

Israel, Sea of Galilee (Lake of Tiberias)

Image via Wikipedia

They’re the three most powerful words of your life.

They signify a fresh beginning, and they herald a brand new day.

They let us know that we are no longer bound by our past, and even if we still have to pay on some negative consequences from our past, they assure us that a new era has begun, and this new era can be different from the last one.

From now on. These three little words can do a lot. They can close out yesterday, and they can set the stage for tomorrow.

Jesus used them to provide hope for a woman who had been caught in the very act of adultery. He told her, “From now on…sin no more.” He used them to commission Peter when Peter felt unqualified to follow the Lord. He said, “Peter, from now on…you will be a fisher of men.”

What could these words signify for YOU? What hurtful doors from yesterday could be locked and bolted shut? What negative memories could loosen their grip and fade in to the distant past? What adventure might await you on the other side of them?

From now on _________________________________. You fill in the blank.

What in our lives might change because of what we decide to do “from now on”?

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