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A total loss of heart

I felt moments away from a total loss of heart.”

Can you relate to these words? John Eldredge wrote them in his book, Waking the Dead, but you or I could have written them just as easily. Feel their weight again:

I felt moments away from a total loss of heart.”

It’s funny how these moments happen. Sometimes calamity triggers them, sometimes fatigue. Sometimes it’s the scary monsters in our path that collapse our courage, and at other times it is something quite small, like a criticism or one more task added to an already overflowing plate.

Whatever their source, we all face moments when our hearts tremble, our faith bottoms out, and we are tempted to capitulate to fear.

There is another option.

Rather than tumbling down the smooth slopes of discouragement, we can push back. We can worship. We can plant ourselves firmly in the middle of the fear and manifest our true nature as overcoming children of God.

Yes, this really is possible, and no, I am not being hype-ish, flippant, or insensitive to the realities of loss or pain. Jessica and I have lived these moments more times than I can count, and we have also moved through them to the other side.

On the night of His betrayal, Jesus, the ultimate Happy Warrior, revived the hearts of His followers when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Sometimes we need to take our hearts back. A loss of heart is a dangerous moment and sometimes we have to make resolute decisions that we will not allow our courage or perspective to slip away.

It isn’t easy. It can’t always be done alone. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes we need help. But as you hold steady and as your history and legacy with God grows, you really will see a bigger picture that quickens your soul, and allows you to emphatically declare, “Therefore…we do not lose heart.” (2 Corinthians 4:1)

The world needs you, and it needs you fully alive. Let’s take heart, let’s cling to the cross, and let’s run the race that’s been marked out for us.

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