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A Tale of Two Churches

The_Hole_In_Our_Gospel“The local church is the hope of the world.”

Do you agree with that quote from Pastor Bill Hybels? Jesus did. He said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades—that’s every agenda that attempts to thwart God’s will and damage humanity—will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18).

As Richard Stearns said, “God established the institution of the Church as a key strategy for building His kingdom and leading the social revolution required by the gospel.”[1]

The problem, as this chapter graphically states, is that we in the church sometimes turn inward and direct the majority of our resources on ourselves.

It’s not wrong to meet the spiritual and practical needs of one’s own congregation—indeed, it’s imperative to do so. What is wrong is when that gets done to the exclusion of reaching outward.

Fortunately, Grace is growing significantly in this area. Over the past year we have taken very intentional strides toward increasing our outward focus. Through our Salt & Light ministries and our community productions we’re attempting to bring both spiritual and practical hope to people in the community and world around us.

What we need to do is be better at it.

If you are a part of Grace Church, I hope you’re praying for a heart that beats and aches and throbs in sync with God’s. I hope you’re growing increasingly discontent with the status quo. And I hope you’re more determined than ever to serve the world as you reach for your pre-horizoned purpose and destiny.

(The Hole in our Gospel reading program–chapter fifteen: A tale of two churches)

[1] Richard Stearns, The Hole in our Gospel (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN: 2010), 179.

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